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Common misconceptions about cool roof paints

Cool Roof paints have already proved its efficacy as a sustainable solution against oppressive heat.However, there are many misconceptions about this product in the market.These misconceptions are primarily due to 

1.lack of awareness

Low awareness about the product has definitely given rise to many misconceptions, some factually irrelevant ones too.

2.Untrustworthy product reviews

Giving the customers unrealistic expectations about roof paints.

3.lack of standardisation

Many companies have thronged the market with cheap quality products, thereby tarnishing the entire industry.

Some of the most popular ones are as follows with clarification.

1.It is just an ordinary white paint:

Many users fail to differentiate between technical paints and ordinary white coatings.While it is true that white colour by its very nature has the highest albedo(ability to reflectivity heat), it lacks special properties of cool roof paints like adhesivity, thermal emittance, nano particles etc which aid in long term cooling.Further, normal white paints are seldom washable while cool roof paint like LuminX is washable and has special hydrophobic properties which provide waterproofing thereby increasing the shelf life of roofs.

2.It is very expensive:

While initial application cost can be an obstacle for some users,long term savings can offset the cost of initial ivestments.In this scenario, it is important to consider the fact that during peak summers, it can decrease air conditioner loads by up to 30%, additionally it is also worth considering the cost of traditional roofing materials, durability and maintenance cost over time.We at LuminX strive to reach every household through economies of scale, trying to defray the initial cost.Our mission is to remove cooling as an elitist concept and make it an affordable for all.

3.It does not last long:

In the recent past, doubts have been cast over the longevity of these products.This is primarily due to the influx of many low quality products in the market which cannot stand the test of time.Many a places, users have complained about erosion of the product as early as the first monsoon season.There are also some other factors contributing to low shelf life such as improper drainage of the roof, thereby promoting biological growth like algae, moss etc thereby reducing solar reflective values, dust accumulation on roof surfaces, mechanical scraping due to anthropogenic activities, improper application of the product on surfaces etc.We at LuminX provide a warranty on our products to stand the test of time,we are confident of our superior constituents which goes into manufacturing the products.

4.Paint advertising the highest SRI value is the best

Again a consequence of proliferation of companies claiming any random Solar Reflective Index(SRI) values to entice customers without undergoing the requisite testing procedures of product samples.So users should keep in mind to check lab tested reports of companies before arriving at buying decisions and not be swayed by advertisements.LuminX provides technical data sheets to users before they make decisions, all the SRI values arrived at are based on rigorous lab tests under expert supervision.

5.The paint will decrease the room temperature during winters

Cool Roofs are beneficial all year round.While its true reflects more sunlight and absorbs less heat, making it more advantageous in summers, it does not necessarily decrease room temperatures during winter months.This is because, they are based on reflective property and has has no externally supplied cooling mechanism of its own.In indian climates, its perfect for use all seasons round.

6.Cool Roofs are maintenance free

Just like any other paint, cool roofs can degrade over time due to weathering, UV exposure and dust accumulation.To maintain its efficacy, it is advised to wash the painted surfaces with non abrasive cleaning agents once in a while and have proper drainage to prevent biological growth.They might need reapplication to maintain their reflective properties.

7.Cool Roofs have no environmental benefits beyond energy savings 

Beyond energy savings, cool roofs can also help decrease urban heat island effect, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants due to lower electricity consumption, potentially extending life span of roofs , reducing construction and demolition waste.

8.Cool roofs are beneficial only for new construction

Cool roofs are efficacious for existing roofs, retrofitted structures and all kinds of buildings.

9.Cool Roofs only come in light colours

When it comes to aesthetic impact, white might not always be appealing.While light colours like white have the highest albedo , cool coatings come in a range of colours.These might not be as reflective as white but still outperform traditional dark paints in terms of solar reflectance.LuminX provides a wide range of colours to choose form.

As an emerging industry it is bound to be a subject of many misconceptions, this post has addressed the most popular ones among many.The only way to disseminate the right knowledge about cool roofs is to take address the misinformations head on.The industry also requires standardisation in products, eliminating those which bring disrepute by offering low quality.